Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction System
Transform your system’s past data to reliable and accurate future predictions. With our Saptio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction System that has proven itself in the field, take your steps in the light of your data.
With picking correct approaches for the problem and choosing suitable methods, Spatio-Temporal data analysis produce effective results. However, it requires expertise and experience to bring all the right components together.
Our generic and genuine Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction framework has been customized successfully for our various products and solutions and we keep extending our portfolio of solutions with new members.
Our Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction System targets wide application area from different sectors. For many sectors, small improvements on the future trade predictions ensure serious income. Leading global companies pursue works on improving prediction solutions. On the other hand, most of the existing solutions in the market are not Artificial Intelligence based and are not customizable, hence their success rates are low.
Our Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction System can be used as a service (SAAS) or it can be customized for specific needs and integrated into the workflow of existing systems.
Application Areas
- Retail Sales Prediction
- Energy Consumption Prediction
- Crime Event Predictions
- Financial Data Prediction
- Academic Researches
- Applied in various domains, proved its performance and feasibility
- Methods and algorithms giving reliable results with correct inputs
- Applicable to any data forms and dimensions
- Tries many different prediction models -standalone and combined (hybrid)- before picking the best prediction model
- In addition to main data, can also handle side information and maximizes precision rate
- Keeps learning from live data and improves its prediction model continuously
- Ability to optimize the use of limited hardware on streaming Big Data
- Ability to make short (in microseconds) and long (years after) predictions
- Ability to ensemble many time-series data in different architectures
- Can be used as SAAS for R&D purposes
- Has user friendly interface