MEB Teacher Appointment Specialist
Expert system where questions specific to the principles of law and regulation listed below can be asked in contracted teacher appointments.
Big Data Analysis and Anomaly Detection Tool
Big Data Analysis and Anomaly Detection Tool dbLink; is a User Entity Behavior Analysis Application that can collect big data in any format from its sources in real time, provides access to key information stored in the data by processing and analyzing the collected data, and detects any individual, group and contextual anomalies within the data.

In Light Of Data
Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction System
Transform your system’s past data to reliable and accurate future predictions. With our Saptio-Temporal Data Analysis and Event Prediction System that has proven itself in the field, take your steps in the light of your data.
Power of Natural Language
AI Based Natural Language Processing (NLP) Application
Reflect the power of natural language to your applications via Named Entity Recognition and Sentiment Analysis technologies!

The Most Advanced Technology
AI Based Chatbot
With our experience on AI based Natural Language Processing technologies, we develop reliable chatbot solutions to provide human-like communication.